Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Wow can you believe SOULJA BOY labels himself a producer



This is why change is necessary.... Terrible man!!! Wow..I am about to get my son into production he is 2yrs old its looking hella lucrative

Anonymous said...

ROFLMMFAO...WOW!!! I might laugh but I ain't gonna hate cause that child got something I don't !MONEY!

Anonymous said...

Yo that shit was rockin....! swag cush.... that's what's up... Rap is getting to complicated for me... I can't catch up to talent like that... I'm stressed out :-(

Anonymous said...

wow... is that the new song? I can't wait to hear this on the radio and the clubs!!!!! soulja tell em!!!! for real!!!!

Anonymous said...

i can't wait to get the new cd... when does the cd com e out? someone please tell me!!! :-)